Foundations Reflection
What are three new things you have learnt about yourself and your ego due to the core learning?
I learned that I can keep calm under pressure, that I can keep my emotion in check if I wanted to and that I don't really have an ego and have a lot to learnt.
What are the role of values, empathy, and self-awareness in learning and programming?
I think that these are important to help programmer work well in a team environment. The stereotype of programmer being this geeky/nerdy, socially awkward person is long gone and we all have a role to play in realising that at the end of the day, we are all human and we should treat each other the way we want to be treated, with kindness, care and respect. This will not only help with our relationships with other but also help bring out the best in all of us.
What has surprised you the most about the core learning?
Probably neuroplasticity and growth mindset. I now understand that my brain can change, that intelligence can be developed, and most importantly, I'm not as agile as many others when it comes to coding but I can still learn. And even though I might take more time and progress slower than others, as long as I keep at it, I will be able to achieve my own success and fulfilment.
What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?
Definitely writing the blog and publishing it. I personally don't like writing and always think that I'm bad at it. On the other hand, if I start writing/speaking/presenting about something, I tend to get too wordy (in my opinion) and this somestimes makes me feel like I'm rambling and digressing from the main topic and will make people lose interest in what I talk about.
Why do you think we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development Bootcamp course?
I think that Dev Academy focus on core learning because you want to develop more 'complete' programmer/coder. Having been in the workforce, I kinda understand this approach. No one is ever truly alone when it comes to the world of working or business in general. Even the most successful person will always have a business partner or someone to assist him or have a team of talented people around him. So someone who is an emotionally intelligent person, is able to gel with their teammate/colleague and work well in a team environment to achieve a common goal is sometimes more desirable than someone who is the most technically knowledgeable person.
Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practise programming instead? Justify your answer.
Definitely not. No knowledge is ever wasted. Saying that I waste my time studying core learning is like saying that I wasted my time studying a different field at uni or wasted my time working in a different field before coming to Dev Academy.
In addition, like I said above, Dev Academy is trying to develop more 'complete' programmer/coder and this cannot be achieved without these core learning and exercises. As difficult as it might be, I enjoyed the core learning contents and feel that it really helps me in my emotional intelligence journey.