Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, identify and understand the emotions of our own and others around us and use this to guide our own action and behaviour (manage).

How is it different to IQ?

The key difference is that EI deals only with emotions. How developed a person's EI level will have an influcence on how they recognise, express and manage the emotions of themselves and others around them as well as how they interact and relate with others.

IQ, on the other hand, measures mainly one's reasoning and cognitive abilities.

Why is it important?

It is important because it can lead to better management of emotions and stress which in turn lead to better performance both at work and other areas of life as well as personal happiness, it is also an important factor in what makes a leader great through the ability to communicate, relate, empathise, influence, manage conflicts, foster collaboration and cooperation etc., and lastly it also allows us to connect with and maintain more meainingful relationships with others.